What are Triple P Seminars?
A Triple P Seminar is an informal presentation where you can learn tips and tricks to help you with your parenting challenges. There are three seminars in the Triple P series and you can choose to do any or all of them:
The Power of Positive Parenting: Ever wondered: “Why does my child do that?” This seminar helps you understand the reasons kids do what they do, so you can guide their behaviour – and see more of the behaviour you like, and less of the behaviour you don’t like.
Raising Confident, Competent Children: Help your child become confident and feel good about themselves. Find out ways to encourage them to be respectful and considerate, and to communicate and get on well with others.
Raising Resilient Children: Get the strategies you need so you can help your child manage their emotions and deal with disappointment and stressful situations in a healthy way…
How long will it take?
Each seminar lasts around 90 minutes with some time for questions. It is a brief introduction to the Triple P strategies but you will definitely get some great ideas to take home and try out with your family.
How do I register?
Click here to check our schedule. If there are no Seminars currently running in your community, please click here and we’ll tell you when there are.
Have more questions? Contact us.